TC "He proved what has come to be known as Fermat's Little Theorem (to distinguish \NL" TC "it from his so-called Last Theorem). This states that if p is a prime then\NL" TC "for any integer a we have a^p = a modulo p. This proves one half of what has \NL" TC "been called the Chinese hypothesis which dates from about 2000 years earlier,\NL" TC "that an integer n is prime if and only if the number 2^n - 2 is divisible by\NL" TC "n. The other half of this is false,since, for example, 2^341 - 2 is divisible\NL" TC "by 341 even though 341 = 31 x 11 is composite. Fermat's Little Theorem is the\NL" TC "basis for many other results in Number Theory and is the basis for methods of\NL" TC "checking whether numbers are prime which are still in use on today's electronic\NL" TC "computers. "